Star Special La goumert® Articles – Wednesday 15 January 2014



Colourful and durable Claypots

La gourmets Truly Oriental Toughened Claypot in Colours are not just ordinary claypots. They are produced from a clay full of lithium,which are extracted from a spodumene,a mineral worked as a lithium ore and processed into different grades for use in ceramics, glass, batteries , steel, fluxing agents and medicine.

It is imported from Australia and is acknowledged by the international ceramic industry as the best heat -resistant, non-toxic and environmentally friendly material to use in ceramics.

Another important elements that goes into the claypot is the glaze, which is imported from Spain.

Renowned worldwide for its quality,Spanish glaze is durable and can withstand high temperatures and thermal changes. It will not crack under sudden temperature changes.

The Lagourmet Claypots are suitable for gas burners, ovens, microwave ovens and ceramic tops. It can be used straight out of the refrigerator onto the direct fire or ready stove, pre – heated oven or microwave oven.

It also dishwater-safe and made of out 100% natural ceramic material.

Fully safe, it contains no toxic materials, is a healthy way of cooking and is environmentally friendly.It is also energy saving and is highly efficient during cooking. It distributed heat uniformly and has a slow heat dissipation. It provides good thermal insulation and it reduces heat loss, making it more energy saving.

Lagourmet Truely Oriental is truly a piece of culinary art which is highly fashionable.

* Pick one or more Lagourmet Claypots in your favourite colours today from the House Of Presentation at Bangsar Village Shopping Center ( 03- 2287 4399 ) or Ikano Power Center ( 03 -7726 9399 )




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